At the January 22nd, 2008 meeting, Bemgal, Buffalo Valley, Cravens, Red Oak, Oklahoma Forestry, Veterans Colony, Wilburton,
and Southwest EMS had representatives there. We had 20 people sign in on the roster.
A Training Officer and Public Information Officer was elected. Kenny Maroon became the Training Officer and Glen Padgett
the Public Information Officer.
The LCFA truck inventory was discussed and each truck was looked at by the members. Cravens and Bengal Fire Departments
have the trucks, The one ton is stored at the county barn.
The training trailer is stored there also and the County Commissioners will not give keys to the gate to anyone from
the LCFA. We only have access to use the trailer during their regular business hours. The possibility of placing a new building
to store the LCFA equipment at the training center was discussed.
Future meeting dates and sites for upcoming LCFA meetings were discussed. The next meeting will be at the Wilburton Training
Center. Discussion of having meetings at other departments and if anyone wants to host a meeting they should ctalk to one
of the officers.
The need for a list of Fire Chief's, Assistants, or Officers and Firefighters list was discussed.
Firefighter Caucus is on February 9th, starting at 8:30am at the OKC Zoo. Each department that registers will receive
firefighter essential packets plus continuing education credits. Over $2,000 worth of material is free and can e used as a
training tool for the volunteer tax credit.
The WIldland Round-Up at the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant will be held February 29th through March 2nd. The friday
night class is the meet and greet starting at 6pm.
The Oklahoma Forestry representative said that they have a course that could possibly be taught to area firefighters
and would check into that. NWCG stands for the National Wildland Coordination Group. The forestry number that can be called
to report a fire is 918-465-2056 or 1-800-375-2056.
Firefighter classes were discussed, Ken Maroon discussed teaching a 36 hour volunteer firefighter practices class. He
asked if members would go back and see if their firefighters would be interested. It was thought the classes could start in
April or May.
We need to find a new person to handle our taxes and financial paperwork.
There is a Fireworks Safety Class schedule for March 8th, 2008 at 9am held at the Wilburton Training Center.
The training center is under construction work again due to another water pipe breaking. The heater needs to be left
on and turned up to 60 degrees. Ronnie Massey and the city crew will make repairs.
Buffalo Valley discussed mutual aid agreements, the last one they had signed was from 1997. Mutual aid agreements will
be updated at the next meeting. Buffalo valley is also needing a pumper truck. The motor blew up in the one they had. They
would appreciate any help with any information.
Group discussion was hel over radio communications.
Meeting adjourned.
Latimer County Firefighters Association
FEBRUARY 5, 2008
Meeting called
to order at 19:33pm by David Nix
Present are Buffalo Valley, Wilburton,
West End, Red Oak, Cravens and Veterans Colony Fire Departments
Viewed slide show presented by David Nix
Discussed cooperation with other fire departments
Viewed DVD training video and discussed training available on cd
Minutes of last meeting approved by all present
Discussed the fireworks show
David Nix
discussed the bank statements of the LCFA, end of year statements, etc.
Discussed the LCFA Account
at Latimer State Bank and the IRA account balance of $8,000.00 to be used for emergencies
Discussed the fuel purchases
by LCFA and access to fuel for LCFA use
David mentioned
having an account set up at Wooldridge Oil- talk to John Forwoodson for fuel account
Discussed mutual aid agreements- need to be revised county wide per Bob Dunlap. Bring
representatives to next meeting for mutual aid agreements
Planned future
meeting to be held at West End Fire Station on Tuesday, March 4, 2008
at 7:00 p.m.
Discussed the need for
all firefighter list and contacts for all firefighters.
David displayed list
of LCFFA website and LC emergency list of websites
Discussed list of Fire
Chiefs for all departments- they are as follows:
a. West End- Bon Dunlap
b. Buffalo Valley- Larry Kennedy
c. Vet Colony- Robert Livingston
d. Red Oak- Brian Hulsey
e. Ash Creek- Dwight Glen
f. Wilburton – David Donoley
g. Cravens- Shawn Sar
h. Higgins - Ketcher
Discussed firefighter tax breaks
a. $200- First Year
b. Second Year- need WMD
Chad Donoley has disc to discuss hazardous material training and meeting information
Discussed Hazmat awareness
Discussed the availability of information with Emergency Management- CD’s and information
for use
Caucus- next weekend – 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. sign in and register-
Chris Bain – Executive Director
Discussed information on
NIFER Reports- to be completed by January 15 of each year
Discussed the
Firefighter Pension program
a. $62 per person- may be $210 per month
Discussed COFT –training to pay for most (includes mileage and training). Classes
to be held in Emmetsburg, MD
Discussed the Fire Act Grant- through FEMA – they have break out sessions and general sessions
Kevin Vaden talked about brochures for firework show
Discussed deadline of March, 2008 for budget
Discussed the option of using Ronnie Massey to repair training center
Ken Maroon would like to help teach firefighter essentials class- 30 hours and can be used towards tax credit
a. $200 for in-house training.
Mentioned that NIMS equals 1 point towards tax credit
David Nix motioned to adjourn- Bill Astafan seconded motion, all in
Meeting adjourned at 2001
March 4th, 2008
at the Wilburton Fire Department
The meeting was called to order at 17:30. The minutes
from the previous
meeting were looked over. Eric Donoley made a motion
to approve the
minutes, Ken Maroon 2nd it. All in favor.
David Nix discussed the fuel bills that needed paid.
Eric Donoley made a
motion to pa fuel bill, second by Tiger Donoley. All
in favor.
David discussed other bills that needed paid. The mailbox
($22.00) and
training CD's ($24.93) reimbursement to David Nix. Eric
Donoley made
the motion to pay the reimbursement, John Lindsay second
it. All in favor.
Training Cd's were passed out to all the fire departments
that were
present. Possitive pressure, Ventilation, and Backdraft powerpoints
video for in-house training.
Mutual Aid Agreements were discussed and each department
should have
a representative present at the next meeting to sign
the new agreements.
We will provide a copy to KEDDO for grant records.
Future meeting sites were discussed and Vet Colony Chief
if they will host
next month's meeting.
We still need firefighter list from West End and Ash
Creek Fire
Departments to update our firefighter list.
Discussed classes for Volunteer Firefighter Parctices
(30hrs) and
Firefighter I (80 to 90 hrs).
Nikki Nix had discussed training with Fire Service Training
at the firefighter caucus in OKC. They stated they would
like to do a
Firefighter I at the training center in Wilburton. They
were told by Larry
Morgan that there was no one interested.
Discussed having a volunteer clas first than Firefighter
Wes Nix discussed possible training oppurtunities with
the Forestry.
We are attempting to get amedia library started.
March 15th Henryetta Fire Department will be having
a Hazmat
Awareness class.
Wildland Training: Bill Astafan, Nikki Nix, and David
Nix discussed the
Bob Smith Wildland Training at the McAlester Army Ammunition
in McAlester.
We need more firefighters to take advantage of this training
next year.
There will be a First Responder Class taught by Nikki
Nix at Eastern
Oklahoma State College in May.
Fireworks were discussed, last years show cost was $10,000.
We shot 4"
and 6" shells. We may need to buy more 6" shells and
finale boxes next
year. There will be a Fireworks Training Course at 09:00am
at the training
Nikki wants a committee to talk to fireworks representative
- Committee
members are David Nix, Bill Astafan, Wesley Nix, and
Glen Padgett.
We also need to talk with robbers Cave State Park respresentative
fireworks show and discuss bands, vendors, and botled
Lickly's will possibly be discussed as one of the
bands for fireworks show.
Glen mentioned Tiger would let us use his boat. Tiger
RCSP had concern over clean up and would like to see
if there are any
organizations that would like to help.
Fund raisers should start before or around May
for fireworks show. The
Mason's may help stated Eric Donoley. Donation receipts
will be given.
The banks also usually give as well as Roy's.
Dave asks that we look into buying a new steel door
for the training tower
or to get it fixed.
Glen asked to use Freddy the Fire Truck for the CASA
event in April.
Discussed the need to gain access to the Association
building on county
barn property. We need to get on County Commissioner
agenda to
discuss it.
Motion made to adjourn meeting by Brian Crockett, Eric
Donoley second
the motion. All in favor.